Planting for Wildlife Habitat Nov. 3

Past event
Nov 3, 2021, 10 AM to 12 PM

Volunteers Needed for Tree Planting on November 3rd

This announcement is from Kiley Briggs ( of The Orianne Society. He is working with the US Fish and Wildlife Service on a habitat restoration project in Craftsbury:

There is an upcoming habitat restoration volunteer work day taking place on the Black River in Craftsbury on November 3 that a small number of people are needed for. The project is aimed at improving habitat for sensitive wildlife by planting clusters of native trees and shrubs in a key area within the river floodplain. Work will entail ~4hrs of light shovel work and hand-pulling vegetation around where each tree and shrub is planted. We'll get started around 9 and precise details will be provided over email to those who are interested. The work is family-friendly, but we understand that most kids old enough to participate and learn from the project will probably be in school that day. If you do want to bring your kids, please use your best judgement about whether a day on the riverbank with a shovel is appropriate for them given that the weather conditions are usually cold and often damp in early November. We are hoping for sun, but will get what we get.

Water and refreshments (fruit and granola bars) will be available for volunteers. If you would like to participate or learn more about the project, please email Kiley directly at

Thank you all so much,
Kiley Briggs
Director of Conservation
The Orianne Society

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