Saturday, October 30th will have two-part event:
1. Join RSH Book Arts Director, Candace Jensen and the rest of the RSH Staff for beer (and seltzer), rad broadsides featuring words by visiting poe, Ben Fama, and a salon-style poetry reading at Ruth Stone House!
No cover charge, donations always welcome, broadsides for sale!
Bring a poem to share for the salon, and BYO favorite snack or beverage if you like!
*In light of the Delta variant surge and our desire to keep our community safe, we strongly encourage mask-wearing indoors at this time*
2. In-person poetry workshop with Ben Fama before our event!
Instructor: Ben Fama Schedule: October 30th from 12-3pm Ruth Stone House (Goshen, VT) (Sign up here: (Sliding Scale)
SPIRITUALIZED: A POETRY WORKSHOP (IN-PERSON) In this one-off workshop, we will think about and write through some of the ways poetry confronts that which is beyond ourselves, no small topic for sure. Preparatory and in-class materials may include excerpts from Nathaniel Dorsky, Jack Gilbert, Barbara Guest, Lyn Hejinian, Marie Howe, Ariana Reines.
We'll spend time discussing the reading packet (available to registered students before class), responding to writing prompts. At the end of class we'll have time to read our poems.
ABOUT BEN FAMA Ben Fama is a writer based in New York City. He is the author of Deathwish (Newest York, 2019), Fantasy (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2015), and the chapbooksOdalisque (Bloof, 2014), Cool Memories (Spork, 2013), New Waves (Minutes Books, 2011), and Aquarius Rising (Ugly Duckling Presse 2010). He is also the author of the artist book Mall Witch (Wonder, 2012). He is the cofounder of Wonder.