"Share the Warmth - a Winter Outerwear Giveaway"

Past event
Oct 23, 2021, 10 AM

The Five Town Partnership will be sponsoring "Share the Warmth- A Winter Outerwear Giveaway" on Saturday October 23. We are seeking donations of outerwear that will be given away for free to anyone who needs it.

Items we will accept are:

Winter Coats/Jackets
Winter/Insulated Boots
NEW Socks

We will accept donations beginning on Monday October 11 and continue through Wednesday October 20. Items can be dropped off at:

St. Ambrose Rectory - on the porch
United Church of Lincoln - inside the downstairs basement door
Monkton Friends Church - left on the porch
Robinson Elementary School - under the overhang
Beeman Elementary School (please DO NOT drop off items during the school day, 7:45am - 3:05pm) - the garage door on the North side entrance, by the cement stairs.

**Please only donate clean items that are in good, usable, condition**
Any questions? Email familylife@bristolfederated.com or call 453-2321

If you or someone you know has a need, please attend our event on Saturday, October 23rd from 10am-12pm on the Bristol Town Green. Everything is free for the taking!

(Please note we will NOT be accepting donations on the day of the event. All donations should be left at one of our collection points by Wednesday 10/20.)

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