"Honor the Animals" with Julane Deener and the Worship & Arts Committee. For many congregations, October includes a Blessing of the Animals service to honor our pets and remember the work of St. Francis of Assisi. These services, while well meaning, can be traumatic for pets. Our online, in-home services can enable us to recognize our pets together in a safe and comforting way.
Over the past months, we've seen each-others' pets cross our screens during zoom services and meetings. We've gotten to know Penny, Mel, and many others as they visit our services, full of curiosity about those faces on the little screen. On Sunday, October 24th, we'll honor the fur and feathered folk who have been our companions and comfort during these uncertain times and always. The members of the Worship and Arts Committee will share readings and thoughts, and a story of St. Francis and the Animals. Visiting poet Heidi Selig will read a special poem. We invite all to gather via zoom, with our pets, to celebrate the joy that they bring to our lives. There will be a time for introductions and sharing, and a time of peaceful prayer for these beings who in many ways lead exemplary lives which can teach us, if we're attentive, to slow down and appreciate the beauty and love around us. Afterward, join us for a virtual discussion and "coffee hour."
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6130779853
Jan 30, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Vocal Improvisation WorkshopFeb 1, 2025, 10 AM to 4 PM
Sandglass Theater's Winter Sunshine SeriesFeb 1, 2025, 11 AM