The 'Walk For Justice' is an annual event hosted by the Caledonia and Southern Essex County Domestic Violence Task Force. This year's walk will be held on Thursday, October 14th from 5:00PM to 6:30PM. This event honors survivors and brings awareness to the community of the prevalence of domestic violence. The message is for the public to see/know that DV DOES exist in our community and the importance of survivor's voices. Walk supporters and participants will gather on the courthouse lawn for a brief welcome ceremony. The walk route will be along the sidewalks, across Main Street to Maple Street, down Maple Street to Pearl Street, across to Eastern Avenue then back up to Main Street. Over a dozen large yard signs are displayed throughout the walk route. The signs display appalling facts and statistics about domestic and sexual violence. Walk participants are encouraged to wear purple and will be given a purple awareness ribbon at the start of the walk.
Please join other community members for this important walk.