Join me this evening and every Tuesday evening from 7 to 8 PM for a free guided "Do Nothing" meditation (also known as "Shikantaza" or "Just Sitting" in the Zen tradition) and dialogue.
Weekly talks explore what it feels like to be in the world with nowhere to go and nothing to do. What remains here when there is no problem to solve and no agenda to pursue? As we lean in to this question, we begin to realize that while the craving mind wants to improve itself in order to become who it wants to be, the soul yearns for radical acceptance of who we actually are. Can we learn to be okay with our-selves, just as we are? Can we come to understand, along with Thoreau, that "there is no other land; there is no other life but this"?
No prior meditation experience is necessary. We will meet by zoom until we can find an appropriate venue to meet in person and the pandemic more fully abates.
I'm a college professor who teaches meditation both within and outside the university setting. I organize an online weekly advanced meditation discussion group and write a meditation-related blog, which you can browse here: .
If you're interested in joining me this evening, you can either (1) send me a message via front porch and I'll share the link with you, or you can (2) find the link to join by clicking on the following address and scrolling down to the bottom of page:
Finally, if you're interested in receiving email updates of future meditations, talks and retreats, please sign up to the mailing list here:
Mucho Metta!
Mar 6, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
Karuna Community MeditationMar 9, 2025
Smuggs Winter MarketMar 10, 2025, 2 to 5 PM