Fund-Raising Silent Auction for People with Eating Disorders

Past event
Sep 15, 2013

Fund-Raising Silent Auction for People with Eating Disorders

Vermont Center for Integrative Therapy (VTCIT) will be holding a silent auction from September 15th - October 15th to support our Dana Fund. This fund is used to provide treatment to people with eating disorders and other mental health issues. Some of these treatments are not covered by health insurance, others are theoretically covered by health insurance, but some of the people suffering from these disorders have insurance policies with very high deductibles (in the thousands of dollars) and co-payments (some as high as $50/session), which make these treatments unaffordable for many people even though they are covered.

We are currently looking for items and/or services to be included in our silent auction. We will be advertising all contributing businesses and individuals at our South Burlington location and through social media. Items and services can either be donated outright or at a discounted price. Any donation is welcome -- a homemade apple pie, a dinner for two at a local restaurant, a discounted share at a local CSA for next year, a coupon for a free oil change, a private watercolor painting lesson, an hour of computer help, three jars of homemade jams and preserves, two pounds of coffee beans -- anything you can contribute would be much appreciated!

please contact us with any questions or to make a donation.

Thank you!

Vermont Center for Integrative Therapy

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