Enjoy a scoop of Ben & Jerry's while you learn how to build digital models of your ideas and turn them into 3D objects! During this hour-long crash course in everything from 3D scanning to how a 3D printer works, the Blu-Bin staff will teach you everything you need to know to start making 3D stuff!
$30 (This covers an hour-long class, a free scoop of Ben & Jerry's, and a free 3D print from Blu-Bin!)
Where are they:
Ben & Jerry's Scoop shop on Church Street
Who should attend:
Anyone! No age or skill requirements
What do you need:
A laptop with Sketchup installed (Sketchup is completely free! Google "sketchup" to download)
How to sign up:
An RSVP is required a week in advance and the classes will only run with 10 or more attendees. Contact us at to reserve your spot!