All Democratic voters of the town of Milton, County of Chittenden are hereby notified, in accordance with 17 V.S.A. § 2303, to meet in caucus on Wednesday, October20, 2021 at 7:00 PM at the Milton Fieldhouse and Pavilion West, Bombardier Road, Milton, VT 05468 (adjacent to the ballfield and basketball courts).
The Agenda for this Caucus is as follows:
I. Election of Town Committee
II. Election of Officers by the Town Committee
III. Election of County Committee Members
This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Democratic Party and discover ways to get involved. Email with your contact information if you are unable to attend in person and would like to attend via Zoom.
Mar 7, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM
Share Your Mental Health ExperienceMar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 4 PM
Pebble ArtMar 9, 2025, 2 to 4 PM