Middlebury Shape-Note Singing

Past event
Oct 10, 2021, 1 to 3 PM

Sunday, October 10, 1:00 to 3:00 PM 
Middlebury Recreation Park Pavilion, Mary Hogan Drive
[OUTSIDE this month, NOT in the Ilsley Library Community Room]

Please join us for community singing of traditional songs, anthems, and hymns from the Sacred Harp Song Book, in 4-part, a capella harmony. Our shape-note community singing continues a tradition dating back to the 1700s, when itinerant singing masters introduced this style of choral music in early New England.

This month, we will feature the tunes of Vermont composers in the Sacred Harp song book: Ezra Goff, Jeremiah Ingalls, Hezakiah Moors, Justin Morgan, Elisha West, and Truman Wetmore.

Our singings are free and open to all. Loaner books are available. Parking at adjacent Mary Hogan Drive parking lot.

If you are not fully vaccinated, please wear a mask and keep a safe distance.

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