Wild Game Dinner Oct. 23

Past event
Oct 23, 2021, 6 PM

6:00 PM. Cambridge Christian Fellowship is pleased to announce our second annual "wild game dinner". It will be held at the church, 154 No. Main St. Cambridge VT. Guest speakers are Ron Boucher and Craig Jaques. Tickets will be $10 each and only 50 will be sold.

Two world record mounted typical bucks will be on display. Ron will be scoring Larry Benoit's biggest buck and share how to score a white tailed deer. Prizes: $400 gift certificate which can be used for 4 people, 1/2 day fishing with Sure Strike Charters on Lake Champlain; 4 skeet rounds for 2 or 8 rounds for 1 at Underhill Rod and Gun Club which includes an instructor, shells, clays and shotgun usage; and additional prizes. Doors will be open at 5:45. Tickets much be purchased in advance.

Call Ken at 644-5771 or 802-730-4013 or respond to this email.

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