Hello Roxbury Community!
There is a Montpelier-Roxbury Board of School Directors meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 6th at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held in the Montpelier High School library or you can participate virtually via Zoom.
The October 6th meeting agenda and meeting documents can be found at:
*The Zoom link is in the agenda.
Board meetings always begin with a public comment opportunity at 6:30 pm.
Board learning and discussion will focus on the Central Vermont Career Center's pursuit to separate from the Barre Unified Union School District to become it's own school district, as well as it's vision for expansion in the face of increased demand. If the Center receives approval from the Agency of Education and State Board, the Center would reach out to their 18 sending school towns (including Roxbury) to vote on March 1, 2022 for their separation from BUUSD to begin a new district. If you have thoughts or questions on this topic, or are the caregiver of a student currently enrolled (or considering future enrollment) at CVCC, please consider joining us for the meeting or following up with us.
Feel free to reach out to your MRPS Roxbury School Board Directors, Kristen Getler (kristengetler@mpsvt.org) and Rhett Williams (rhettwilliams@mpsvt.org), with questions or concerns.
In Appreciation,
Kristen Getler and Rhett Williams