FCTC Presents “You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown”

Past event
Oct 14, 7:30 PM to 2 PM, Oct 17, 2021

FCTC is excited to present "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"! This is our 30th anniversary and we are thrilled to be back live and onstage!!

Show dates are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 14 to 16 at 7:30 pm and Sunday October 17 at 2 pm.

Ticket prices are $15/adults and $13/senior citizens and students under 12. We also have a special "2fer" of $25 for 2 tickets. Tickets can purchased in advance at our Square Store or at the door. Please note there is a surcharge for tickets purchased with a credit card. To order tickets online, please go to https://fairfax-community-theatre-company.square.site/

Please join us as our cast brings the beloved Peanuts characters to life. This is the original 1967 version of the musical and the characters are:

Charlie Brown: Michael Halloran
Lucy: Catie Smith
Linus: Ashley Hall
Schroeder: Karan Saini
Patty: Heather Wilson
Snoopy: Keaton Harper

Production staff includes:
Director/Music Director: Margie Cain
Pianist/Asst Music Director: Chris Leduc
Choreographer: Candice Bryan-Broe
Stage Manager: Michael Smith
Producer: Tim Stetson

Due to continued health concerns, seating is limited. All audience is required to wear a mask. We will have fun Snoopy designed masks for everyone included in the ticket price. Kid sizes too!

For further information, or if you have any questions, please email us at info@fctcvt.org.

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