Join financial advisors Nancy Westbrook and Katie Bensel for the least stressful discussion about finances you may have ever experienced!
Piper Abbott of Burlington Yoga will first guide us through breathwork and guided relaxation techniques. We will calm our minds and nervous system and release some of the stress we experience day to day.
Finance is a pain point for many people, but it's also an important part of your wellness (one of the eight dimensions of wellness) and feeling balanced in day-to-day life. One Day In July fiduciary financial advisors, Katie and Nancy, will spend 20-30 minutes sharing steps you can take to improve your financial wellness and simplify this important piece of your life.
After the discussion, we'll enter into Savasana, an opportunity to enter deep relaxation and to help ease any tension we feel around money matters.
End the afternoon with fresh juice from Tom Girl and any questions you may have for the hosts.
Space is limited inside the studio, please follow this link to register in advance:
Those wishing to join remotely can tune in via Zoom: