Community T Forum WCUU School District Board

Past event
Oct 6, 2021, 6 to 8 PM

You are cordially invited to attend the WCUUSD Community Forum
Current State of WCUUSD Implementation Plan
Wednesday, October at 6 pm, held virtually via Zoom

The agenda and meeting packet are posted on our website here:[...]pdf

We will look at where we are in the implementation, what we have accomplished along with what we have learned and thoughts on what needs we are seeing that may have budget implications. Community members would get an introduction to the plan (or possibly a reintroduction) to the theory of action: If we provide high-quality instruction and interventions that are responsive to learners' needs and interests, based on clear learning targets and measured by a comprehensive and balanced assessment system, we will ensure that all students achieve proficiency in our student learning outcomes. We will talk about the differences in student performances and how best to address them.
You will have a chance to ask questions and better understand our approach to improving learning.

We look forward to seeing you and please email if you have any questions.

WCUUSD School Board

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