Rise Up! - 5 Ways to the First Page of Google

Past event
Oct 14, 2021, 12 to 1:30 PM

Rise Up! - 5 Ways to the First Page of Google

Did you know that to get to the first page of Google results, your business does not need to be a major site or big brand, nor do you need to be a rocket scientist of SEO?

Mike Lannen of Eternity, a website and digital marketing firm located in Burlington will review how you can best leverage the Google Algorithm to rise to first page of Google. All with a focus on gaining additional site traffic and increasing conversions. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the holy grail to success in the highly competitive tourism market. Effective SEO is the first step in helping customers find (and eventually) work with you.

In this course you'll learn to:
Craft a company profile outline
Learn how to perform keyword research
Perform a live website audit
Apply website fixes and enhancements
Setup reports to measure success

Who should attend:
Small & Medium Business Owners
Non-profit Directors
Hospitality Managers
Marketing Directors

Limited to 25 people. Secure your seat today!
Register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eiklgpza5d04cf98&oseq=[...]ch=

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