Equitable Budgeting Kickoff!

Past event
Oct 4, 2021, 6 to 7 PM

School districts across Vermont are entering into "Budget Season" and Burlington School District (BSD) is pleased to announce a new budgeting model that will place more control of school budgets in the hands of principals and school communities. The District's new "Equitable Budgeting and Staffing Model" strives to allocate resources based on student enrollment and need, seeks to build school-based engagement, and creates a new equity allocation for schools to use in efforts to close the opportunity gap. Leaders will share how budgeting will look different this year at a virtual "Equitable Budgeting Kickoff" event on October 4th at 6 PM over Zoom. Changes have also been laid out in a new BSD Budget Development Guide. Hope to see you there!

Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvfuyorDgvGNJpstuU_jGgbQgfvAjbFshi Budget Guide: https://www.bsdvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/BSD-Budget-Development-Guide.pdf

PS. Please check out our most recent Community Update for information on PCB testing at 52 Institute, where we are in our Strategic Planning Process, and more: https://www.bsdvt.org/2021/09/27/community-update-sept-27-equitable-budget-kickoff-surveilla[...]an/

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