Creative Writing Club for Kids -- Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 -- Do you have or know a kid who loves to write? EFL has a creative writing group for ages 9 and up! We do fun and entertaining writing prompts, writing games, and other creative writing activities! We're starting our own magazine, too, and kids can see their work in print!
Yoga for Little Ones -- Saturday, May 17th from 10:30 to 11 -- Creative kid friendly yoga poses, songs, stories, and cooperative games! A class for curious toddlers and preschoolers to learn yoga through social interaction, repetition, and play, in hopes to relieve frustration, improve motor skills, and increase attention span by actively following directions.
EFL's Book, Bake, & Plant Sale -- Friday, June 6th and Saturday, June 7th -- Head in for our annual sale to purchase books, baked goods, and plants. Starting Monday, June 2nd, we will be accepting plant donations! The sale is sponsored by the Board of Trustees and the Friends of the Library, and proceeds benefit the Summer Reading Program.
Are you a teen looking for a summer job? The Essex Free Library is seeking candidates for three Library Page positions! Each page will be available for ten hours a week for two weeks this summer. Library pages assist with library shelving and other library tasks, and students who have completed grades 8 and above are invited to apply. A modest honorarium, funded by the Friends and Trustees of the library will be given to each Page at the end of their service. Applications are available at the Main desk, and the deadline to apply is June 4th.
Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Winter Market SaturdaysMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Essex Junction Democratic Committee Regular MeetingMar 10, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM