Open House Days at Krusch Nature Preserve

Past event
Oct 2, 10 AM to 4 AM, Oct 3, 2021

The Peter A Krusch Nature Preserve officially opens to the public on 2 October. The Town of Cambridge acquired this 51-acre property last December. Thanks to donations and grants, the support of the Vermont Land Trust, the hard work of volunteer work crews, a Recreational Trails Program grant from Vermont Forests Parks and Recreation, and high community support it is now ready for public use. The parking lot is off North Cambridge Road, about a mile from Route 15 in Cambridge. Volunteers are still working on final sections, but the essential bridges are in and the trail route marked by orange flagging.

The weekends of 2 and 3 October and 9 and 10 October, members of the Steering Committee will be on hand to greet visitors and offer guided walks from 10 am to 4 pm. The parking lot holds 12 cars, so carpooling when appropriate is encouraged. The trail is somewhat steep in places but is being walked daily by people of all ages. Come during the open house hours if you can, but you can also come at any time in the future to explore this unique area and walk the sustainable mile long nature trail. Also, be alert for guided walks planned through the changing seasons.

The land was owned and stewarded for 60 years by Peter Krusch (1931-2018), who had always envisioned this unique land preserved and open to the public. A three-year cooperative effort between the Town of Cambridge, the Vermont Land Trust, the Cambridge Conservation Commission, and Sally Laughlin (Peter's widow) resulted in the creation of the preserve in his honor.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Liam Kearney, organizer of the volunteer trail crew, at; Sara Lourie, Cambridge Conservation Commission. at ; or Sally Laughlin, Krusch Preserve Steering Committee, at

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