Abortion Rights and the Production of Law with Nick Biddle and friends
Brattleboro Democracy Forum
Tuesday, October 5th, at 6:30 pm on Zoom
The meeting will be recorded and will air on BCTV and WVEW 107.7 FM.
Nick says:
The new Texas abortion law, officially entitled the "Heartbeat Act," gained notorious stature in early September when the Supreme Court permitted its enforcement. The Court's ruling is by any measure extraordinarily political and deeply threatening to Roe v. Wade. The emotional tension of abortion cannot be replicated and that quality has made it the darling issue of dark money activism for forty years. This presentation will highlight the nearly mechanical role abortion rights have played in advancing the production of laws designed not just to end legalized abortion but also the full welfare state as we've known it since the 1960's.
Please come to the meeting and join the discussion.
Nick Biddle, is a retired professor of history, and a Brattleboro resident since 2013.
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Organized by We Celebrate Democracy Civil Rights For All, dedicated to positive nonviolent, nonprofit, public action for democracy and civil rights for all people. Contact: woodybernhard48@gmail.com 802 258 7045 1196 Lower Dover Rd Brattleboro VT 05301
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