Rosaleen & Spirit Martin-Knoepfel of URBAN ART BEAT will join Ann Marie Knoepfel and Sharon Mueller for a Spiritual Makerspace Service, online, this Sunday, September 26 at 10 am. They will explore Intentional acts of Cleansing for the purposes of release, removal, preparation and prayer. How do we see this in our own lives? Are They Still Relevant? Please stay after the service for a virtual coffee hour and discussion.
Ann Marie Knoepfel, is a retired Psychotherapist specializing in children and families with Neuro-cognitive challenges, past Facilitator of Spiritual retreats for Women, Unitarian Universalist since 1993, Mother and Stepmother to Five Amazing daughters, loving four Beautiful grandchildren & two surrogate grandchildren everyday.
Rosa Martin-Knoepfel is the co-founder of Urban Art Beat, and teaches special ed middle school in NYC. She and spiritchild have utilized "critical revolutionary hip hop pedagogy*," for over a decade to counteract the racist, sexist past of public education and interrupt the school to prison pipeline. A Unitarian, a spiritualist and recent practitioner of Yoruba/Santeria/Afro-Cuban practice, she taps into her spirituality daily, a practice that has strengthened her faith and enriched her life.
s p i r i t c h i l d revolutionary freedom artist, Yoruba priest and Somatica coach, conducting the energy and frequencies of the people. A freedom singer from the South Bronx by way of Staten Island, spiritchild uses the arts to cultivate a cultural revolution throughout the world, from the United States to Europe, from Africa to South East Asia. This artist's eclectic and experimental fusion of true school Hip Hop, funk, electronica and jazz continues to break the boundaries of the music scene. He is also a Yoruba priest for over 30 years. spirit recently became certified as a Somatica practitioner, (a path that guides intimacy and relational unions), allowing him to utilize his experience to consult individuals and couples in both sacredness and sensuality.
Zoom link:
Mar 12, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Memory Cafe - Feb. 13 Discussion: Adult Day ServicesMar 13, 2025, 11 AM to 1 PM
Strength in Song: the Power of Women in OperaMar 15, 2025, 4 to 5 PM