The Pawlet Planning Commission invites you to our monthly meeting on Monday, September 27 at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be held in person at the Pawlet Town Hall as well as virtually via Zoom. The Zoom link and dial-in number are below. We will have a guest speaker from Green Mountain Power with information about Pawlet's power grid capacity. We will also be discussing the conditional use zoning in the Village and Commercial District. Please attend if these topics are of interest to you or you have concerns or questions about zoning, the unified bylaws, or the town plan of the Town of Pawlet.
1. Call to Order 7:30
2. Approval of Agenda Items - Review/Add/Delete 7:31
3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting 7:33
4. Zoning Administrator's Report – Jonas Rosenthal 7:35
5. Rutland Regional Planning Commission Report – John Sabotka 7:45
6. On-going Business: Presentation by Josh Castonguay Green Mountain Power on Pawlet's Power Grid 7:50
7. Public Comments 8:20
8. Old Business: Conditional uses in Village and Commercial Zone 8:30
9. New business 8: 45
10. Set Agenda for the next meeting 8:55
11. Adjournment 9:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 732 8559 9669
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Link to Dropbox of Planning Commission's current work in progress: