Stop Line 3: March & Rally in Burlington Sept. 24

Past event
Sep 24, 2021, 3:15 to 6 PM

Dear neighbors,

This Friday, Sept. 24 is Global Climate Strike Day.


Please join us on Friday, Sept. 24 for a March @ 3:15 at City Hall Park, Burlington. Rally @ 5:00 at Battery Park Burlington with speakers including Bill McKibben and frontline activists, food from People's Kitchen, musicians, DJ and more.

LINE 3 is an oil pipeline, built to carry the most corrosive and carbon-intensive tar sands fossil fuel. Enbridge --the Canadian corporation that owns Vermont Gas and Green Mountain Power -- is running these pipes through Minnesota, crossing the Mississippi, many other bodies of water and wetlands, and indigenous land in violation of Native American treaties.

Facebook and RSVP:

Sponsors include: 350VT; Essex Resists; Extinction Rebellion VT; Climate Justice Team of First UU Society of Burlington; Institute for Social Ecology; People's Kitchen; Upper Valley Affinity Group; VT Interfaith Power & Light

Watch the weather, come prepared with rain gear if needed. If it looks like rain, bring a pop-up tent to Battery Park if you have one. And of course, when not able to social distance, please wear a mask.


"With the Dakota Access pipeline's permit under reconsideration and the Keystone XL pipeline canceled, LINE 3 is a last gasp at keeping the filthy tar sands industry alive. The science isn't debatable: To counter mounting climate catastrophes, and to hold global warming to the Paris accords' limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) tar sands must stay in the ground."

Alan Weisman[...]ver

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