Monday, September 20, 2021
7:00 pm – Highway: Highway/Fire Dept. antenna; project, grant & other updates
7:15 pm – Town Clerk Updates
7:20 pm – Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
7:30 pm –Administration & Finance
**Committees, correspondence & communications
**Buyout properties: municipal strategy
**Warrants & minutes
**Calendar of Meeting Topics
**General updates and actions on grants, projects, strategic planning, finance etc.
**Update on ARPA funding: fund usage & public participation process
**Health, Education & Welfare allocation criteria
8:30 pm - Selectboard Members' New/Other Business
8:40 pm – Executive Session (Closed to the public)
**The Selectboard will enter into Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of 1 V.S.A.§ 313(a)(1), for the purpose of discussing a legal matter.
9:00 pm – Adjourn
**The physical, staffed location for this meeting (for those who do not wish to attend remotely) is downstairs in the Town Office.
**Selectboard members are attending via Zoom which is available to the public. For the access link, visit the Town website and scroll down to the Selectboard meeting:
**Toll-free telephone call-in number: 888-788-0099 ID:931 1259 8936 Passcode: 4344779
**If you have questions about how to access the meeting or are having trouble connecting when the meeting starts, call 434-4779.
Mar 3, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Preschool Free PlayMar 5, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Vanish Documentary Film on PBSMar 6, 2025, 8 to 9:30 PM