VUES Outdoor Classroom Clean Up Day! Sept. 25

Past event
Sep 25, 2021, 9 AM to 1 PM

Hello Neighbors:

The VUES Community Group is looking for some help with fall clean up of the outdoor classroom space/trails on Saturday, 9/25 from 9-1. This wooded area, home to much wildlife, provides educational and wellness opportunities for our K-6 students, especially due to the ongoing pandemic. The trails are also a natural oasis from the stressors of daily life, especially these days, for many in our community. We'd love your help with some annual maintenance work to keep the area fit for all to enjoy.

Volunteers will work in four areas:

1. Bridge Repair: Some of the sections of bridge have shifted and we need people in tall muck boots to do some heavy lifting to put them back in place.

2. Clearing of trails: The trails are very overgrown, and we could use some weed whackers and clippers to have people clear the overgrown grass, burdocks and branches.

3. Spreading Wood Chips: The city is bringing 2 loads of wood chips for people to spread on the trails throughout the outdoor classroom. This will be the largest group working as there will be a lot to spread.

4. Relocating stumps. We have some stumps that need to get set up as a meeting area of 20 stumps in a circle in the open spaces that were moved and have to be set up again.

Volunteers are encouraged to bring any of these items if they are able: gloves, wheelbarrows, weed whackers, clippers, rakes, shovels, and/or tall muck boots. Please wear long pants as there are sections of poison ivy and parsnip (which, hopefully, will be clearly marked).

Work will begin at 9:00 and run until 1:00. Stay for as long as you are able. Please check in at the table on the basketball court to sign in and get details about the work sites. Thank you so much for your support!

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