Bristol Energy Committee
Sept 15, 2021 Zoom meeting 7pm
1. Harvest Festival Sept. 25 - focus areas and tabling plans
2. Insulating window inserts - updates and discussion on measuring, assembly at Holley Hall, training in Charlotte, mentoring in Burlington, Covid precautions.
3. Legislative Climate Action, Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County, Bristol's Enhanced Energy Plan, BEC and other local efforts. How do we stay tuned in and connected for collaboration, education, and input?
4. Walk/Bike Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Calming - Bristol officials and residents, Local Motion, Addison County Regional Planning Commission, RiseVT, are working together on a proposal for selectboard. Bristol's Enhanced Energy Plan encourages reducing single occupancy vehicle trips.
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Password: 885305
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Feb 10, 2025, 7 PM
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