The Town of Shoreham received a Vermont Department of Housing & Community Development Municipal Planning Grant in 2020 for the purpose of exploring the town-owned Farnham Property to create a conceptional plan for a mixed-use development including housing affordable for all demographics and engaging the community in the process. A Shoreham Planning Commission working group was created that has been working with the Addison County Regional Planning Commission. The working group has completed it's work and is now ready to share a conceptual housing plan with the residents of Shoreham.
A series of presentations will be held in the Shoreham Community Center (formerly the Masonic Hall - the brick building between the Shoreham School and the Congregational Church) on September 19th in conjunction with Shoreham's Apple Fest to share a conceptual plan for future housing in the Shoreham Village. Participants will have the opportunity to hear a presentation on the conceptual plan, hop on a wagon for a hayride to view the property and take a gander at what it could look like (weather dependent), chat with working group members, ask questions, and enter to win local raffle prizes and share what makes Shoreham your "Community of Choice". Looking forward to seeing you all there!