What is Scouting:
Cub Scouts BSA is an outdoor program for boys and girls grades K-5 that is closely led by leaders and parents where individual grades (dens) meet together as groups.
Scouts BSA is a youth led program where young women and men (grades 6-12) develop Character and Leadership skills, become participating Citizens in their community, nation, and world, and maintain good personal fitness.
Both programs utilize outdoor programming such as camping, hiking, wilderness survival skills, and special outdoor events with competitions such as Spring and Fall Camporees, and Winter camping events encompassing Scouts from across the state as a method for teaching these.
Our groups meet weekly, and we strive to hold at least 1 outdoor activity per month where we can get outside and practice the skills we are learning and have fun.
Why Is Scouting important to me:
As a child Scouting brought me together with friends and good adult role models. I learned skills that not only piqued my interest in nature and our environment but also many trade fields such as carpentry. I was among 5% of all scouts to reach the award of Eagle Scout- Scouting's greatest honor. This award set me apart from other College applicants where I earned acceptance into some pretty darn good colleges. Later in life, the rank of Eagle has set me apart from others on job applications. As an adult I see great value in the moral code of ethics that it taught me, a code that I still do my best to live by today. I would like to instill this code of ethics not only in my children but yours as well. It is my belief that scouting has played a major role with how active I am in our community. A father of two I am incredibly active at my children's school- from playground committee, teaching the four winds program, and on the PTA. As an active citizen of our community, I have maintained volunteer roles at the fire department and as a town planner. When my kids head off to school, I know that I can count on them to make their best choices and be friendly to everyone.
The Scout Law: A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Fun Fact: The first two astronauts to walk on the moon (Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin) were also both Scouts.
Come down and learn more at our Scout and Cub Scout open house
September 15, 5pm-7pm; Recreation pavilion at Mary Hogan