Family Sukkot Fest & Harvest for Hunger Relief
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 10am-12pm
Israel Congregation and Smokey House Community Farm Project welcome you to an earthy, hands-on family-centered celebration of Sukkot, the Jewish holiday that celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the sheltering of the Israelites as they wandered through the wilderness. Gathering at Smokey House Center Farm (426 Danby Mountain Road, Danby) we'll hear stories of our ancestors, explore the richness of Sukkot through sight, smell, sound, taste and touch and harvest produce from the fields to be distributed to a local hunger-relief program. Immediately following this program, Smokey House Center will offer cider pressing, yard games, a raffle and more! All ages and backgrounds are welcome. Advanced registration is required by signing up at or calling 802-362-4578.