Selectboard Mtng. Agenda 9-13-2021

Past event
Sep 13, 2021, 6 PM

Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm


PLEASE NOTE: Except for the start time, all agenda times are guidelines only and are subject to change without notice.

6:00 pm • Continue discussion and revisions to Selectboard Rules of Procedure

7:00 pm • Call to Order
• Public Comment (for items not on agenda)
• Additions/Changes to Agenda

• Updates/Reports (as needed or requested)
• Review and sign Warrants
• Wash exterior of the Town Hall

7:30 pm Road Commissioner
• Consider reappointment of Road Commissioner
• Consideration of Carmichael curb cut application #CC2021-07
• Consideration of Daniel George ROW application #2021-02
• Update on hiring road crew employees
• Update highway crew benefits study committee
8:00 pm • Review East Calais Stormwater Treatment Design Report and Plans and sign letter of intent to proceed (Pam DeAndrea)
8:30 pm • Consideration of Planning Commissions requests for authorization to proceed and renewals of Designated Village Center and renewals
• Update on E. Calais proposed easement
• Reschedule TH #7 site visit
8:45 pm • Other Updates (as needed)
• Review and approve minutes
9:00 pm • Executive Session (as needed) per 1 V.S.A. § 313
• Review future agenda items
• Other business/old business/new business
• Adjourn

NOTE: In order to be admitted to the meeting via your computer, you will need to sign in using your full name so we have a record of who was in attendance for our minutes.

Team Calais is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Calais Selectboard
Time: Sep 13, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 878 8339 3544
Passcode: 217042
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Meeting ID: 878 8339 3544
Passcode: 217042

Future Agenda Items
E. Calais Easement (9/27/2021)
Appoint new ZA (9/27/2021)
Calais Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning update presentation (9/27/2021 Nick/Grace Vison)
Adopt revised LHMP (9/27/2021 agenda – Grace Vison)
Review Town Plan adoption process (9/27/2021)
Town Meeting/Budget FY 23 schedule (9/27/2021)
ARPA funds utilization (schedule Bonnie Waniger or Grace Vison, CVRPC)
Friends of Town Hall Management Agreement and Rental Schedule (9/2021)
County Rd. speed limit reduction
Review and update Traffic Ordinance
Discuss process to review and update various Town Policies and Ordinances
Reclassify G.A.R. Rd. to a trail
WEC and CVFiber update (9/13/2021)
Ordinance for junk
WVFD building

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