Since the publication of Corinth's new Town Plan in 2019 the Conservation Commission has taken on the role of educating our fellow citizens on what it takes to maintain the rural character of our town that we all love.
Fortunately the state of Vermont has been working for decades on understanding the drivers behind the unique mix of forests and farms, waterways and wildlife that form the basis for our state's beauty. Both the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Natural Resource Agency have identified areas of our "landscape" that are critical to long term health of our environment and the benefits we all enjoy.
Key landscape elements include Forest Blocks - large, unbroken forest acreage and Wildlife Corridors - animal friendly pathways that allow safe migration for food, shelter and dispersal. Here in Corinth we have been blessed with both high priority forest blocks and wildlife corridors. Upwards of 90% of Corinth's land area is identified with these two elements.
Translating this knowledge into action was the focus of legislature in 2017 and resulted in Act 171. Put simply the legislation requires all Vermont towns to address both Forest Blocks and Wildlife Corridors in future land use planning.
Corinth's 2019 Town Plan does include consideration of these issues, but to insure the future of our rural character we need to take action. The Conservation Commission will be holding various events to help everyone better understand what action is needed. We also have published on the Corinth Town Website two information articles ( that go deeper into the concepts of Forest Blocks and Wildlife Corridors.
Along with the Blake Memorial Library we are hosting Jens Hawkins-Hilke senior conservation biologist from the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department on Tuesday September 14th at 6:30 pm at the Corinth Town Hall. Jens will explain just exactly what a Forest Block and Wildlife Corridor is and what role Corinth's future land use planning plays in conserving the community we enjoy. The event is free and open to all, come join us. Masks encouraged.