Town Forest Committee Meeting

Past event
Sep 9, 2021, 7 PM

Thursday, September 9, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall Lowest Level Conference Room

The Towns requests, per CDC guidance, that people who enter the Town Hall wear a mask. Find Zoom info below.

1. Call to Order
2. Changes to agenda (additions or deletions)
3. Public comment
4. Approval of the August 12 minutes
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Updates
• HTF Addition and Conservation project
o Fundraising committee update
o Interim management plan update
• HTF Stand 14
• HTF Deer Exclosures – materials, work day
• LHTF TNC project
• LHTF US & VT Fish and Wildlife project
• LHTF boundary painting
• LHTF beavers - follow-up
• Deer Hunting season 2022
• HHE trailhead parking, and "Please don't park here signs"
• Rogue trails
7. Trail maintenance and improvement grant applications
• FOTW-Adaptive friendly bridges and puncheons (ERSA)
• VMBA-Trail improvements for water quality (ERSA)
8. Next Meeting: October 14, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
9. Adjournment

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Meeting ID: 865 3080 1044

Passcode: 793059

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