Free Dinner and a Movie

Past event
May 13, 2014

The Hungry Heart a new documentary film on prescription drug addiction and recovery in Vermont. The movie has excellent reviews across the state and is being shown in Washington DC this week.

As part of the NMHS Wellness Day The Hungry Heart will play at Northfield Middle High School on Tuesday May 13th at 7:00pm.

As an added bonus there will be a FREE pizza dinner provided by Full Plate Catering starting at 6:00pm.

Just send a quick email and we will reserve pizza for you that night. We will be ordering the pizza based on requests for people attending. Email us at or call 485-9000 ex 2109.

Actors from the movie will run a Q and A after the screenings and talk about what other communities are doing to address this issue.

Great opportunity for our community.

With Thanks, Jerry Cassels

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