I-Strike Women's Workshop - Sept. 18

Past event
Sep 18, 2021, 1 to 5 PM

Vergennes Parks & Recreation has partnered with Taekwon Do K.I.C.K.S. for a i-STRIKE Women's Workshop. This workshop is a self defense class that teaches simple effective techniques using the strongest parts of our bodies to the most vulnerable parts of the assailants and designed to be used by women of all ages & capabilities. In addition to learning effective physical techniques your voice will become louder and more affirmative in setting verbal and physical boundaries & you'll learn to trust your intuition. This course specifically covers sexual assault situations. No previous martial arts experience needed. This is team taught with one of the male black belts who wears a full contact suit, so that the participants can practice their new skills full force on a person and adds realism to the scenarios.

R $50 | NR $55
Ages 12+
Register Here: https://vergennesvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29949&fbcli[...]HEg

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