The Mid State Riding Club (MSRC), based out of Randolph, Vermont is hosting a fun, low-key/high-fun Games Day beginning at 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 11, 2021 at the Big Ring on Rte 12. Rain date is Sunday, September 12, 2021. Bring your horse, even if he/she is young and/or inexperienced to get them some exposure in a fun and positive atmosphere in the safety of the big MSRC ring. We will play some of the old classics, like egg and spoon races, charmin break-away, ring on a cone, etc. The only cost for this event is for you to be (or easily become!) a paid MSRC member for 2021. Membership forms will be available at the event. Individual membership for the 2021 season is $20, family membership is $40, $10 for youth 12 and under and active 4-H members under age 19. Participate in as few or as many of the games as you would like. No entry form required! Points will be tabulated at the end and winners will pick from the 'potluck' prize table beginning with the highest scoring horse/rider pair.
Please bring: your horse's(s) coggins test(s) and a 'potluck' prize! Could be a bag of horse cookies or people cookies, a jar of pickles, something homemade or store bought - just keep it to around $10 value or less.
Hope to see you there!
Questions? Email Katy at