Ethan Allen Homestead Book Discussion

Past event
Oct 4, 2021, 6:30 PM

Ethan Allen Homestead Museum – Book Discussion

Monday, October 4th at 6:30 pm on Zoom.
(Note: We are trying an evening session for the first time given feedback.)

Join us as we discuss Vermont's Ebenezer Allen: Patriot, Commando and Emancipator with author Glenn Fay, Jr, a Green Mountain Boy /Warner's Regiment descendant. Fay will discuss highlights of Allen's life, which included enlisting as a Green Mountain Boy, founding several Vermont towns, serving as a town clerk and legislator, several brazen battlefield actions, and perhaps being the first American to emancipate slaves. Although Colonel Allen was overshadowed by cousins Ethan and Ira, he was legendary as a no-nonsense Patriot leader who was feared by the northern British Army and unquestionably helped shape Vermont's independent identity.

Autographed books are available at the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum and at other fine booksellers.

Full details, registration, and link to purchase the book available at:

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