"The Moonlighters" Big Band is presenting a benefit concert for Aging in Hartland at the Rec Center Gazebo in Hartland on September 12 at 4:30 PM. Come and enjoy the sounds and dance of the Big Band era. The concert is free to attend and donations will be accepted at the event. Wraps can be pre-purchased at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5ETPmxELWybP739YeKCqtmxIY7_XpnEtkvHMtGcTEFv01_Q/v[...]r=0
Catering is done by the Brownsville Butcher and Pantry. Bring a chair or blanket and listen or dance. In case of rain the event will be held at the Brick Church, 10 Station Rd, Hartland.