Celebrate America: Two Amazing Events, Sept. 10 & 11

Past event
Sep 10, 6 PM to 5 PM, Sep 11, 2021

Celebrate America with a very special double event.

Nationally renowned speakers Eric Metaxas, Gordon Chang, and Willie Johnson are coming to Vermont as featured guests at a dinner on Friday, September 10.
They will stay on for a full second day, Saturday, 9/11 at Ignite in Williston, starting at 8 a.m. and running to 5 p.m. Cost is minimal, with a box lunch included.

Here is a 2-minute important clip from Will Johnson: https://youtu.be/OKMaUBeOMDs

Come celebrate America and appreciate the freedoms our country has known.
Some are travelling nearly 1000 miles to attend. Fortunately it's nearby for us.

For more details and to register, go to vtgrassroots.com/events

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