Seeking Perennials and Starts for North Hero Library Sale

Past event
May 18, 2014

The grass is green! Plants are coming up! As you start planning your garden this year, think about donating your overgrown perennials, or your extra seed starts to a great cause...and pick up a few new plants while you're there!

Thanks in advance! Now...the details....

The annual plant sale to the benefit the North Hero Public Library
Date: Sunday May 18th
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: North Hero Community Hall (Next to Hero's Welcome)

The Friends of the North Hero Public Library are hosting the event. We have Vermont grown annuals, perennials and shrubs as well as donated plants. Including some herbs and veggies too! Plants are great quality for low prices!

We are looking for donations of perennials and shrubs! So as the weather warms up and you're working in the garden, please keep the sale in mind! Donated (Labeled if possible) plants can be dropped off at the library door between May 14th -17th, or bring them to the Community Hall early morning of May 18th.

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