Age Well and the Vergennes Recreation Department will offer Sun Style Tai Chi Classes in Vergennes starting September 7th. Called Fall Prevention, these classes are based on Dr. Paul Lam's "Tai Chi for Arthritis", an evidence-based program to relieve pain and improve health. It consists of slow continuous whole-body movements strung together in a sequence. In this program all high-risk movements have been removed and replaced with ones that are more effective for health. Some of the proven benefits are improved balance and decreased risk of falls, easing pain and stiffness, improved sleep and overall wellness. Tai Chi is also a mind body exercise which improves serenity and relaxation of the mind, thus reducing pain and stress. All classes are held at St. Peter's Catholic Church Parish Hall located at 85 South Maple Street in Vergennes. Instructors are certified to teach classes in Fall Prevention Tai Chi and in Sun 73. Classes offered:
Beginner Tai Chi for Fall Prevention (Parts 1&2): Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-10:30 am, September 7th – October 28th. Instructor: Dan Bagley Contact: and Lee Francis
Sun Style 73 - Long form: Tuesday from 10:45am-12:00pm. September 7th – October 26. This is a continuation of the Sun 73 Zoom class offered in the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. New comers are welcome if they are familiar with the first half of the form and they have taken Beginner Tai Chi for Fall Prevention Parts 1,2, &3 or permission of instructor. Instructors: Beverly Blakeney at or Doreen Peterson at
In-Depth Tai Chi for Fall Prevention: Thursday from 10:45am-11:45am, September 9th – October 28th. Must have taken Beginner Tai Chi for Fall Prevention Parts 1,2, &3 or permission of instructor. Instructors: Beverly Blakeney, Lee Francis and Dan Bagley. Contact Dan at
All Classes are sponsored by Age Well and Co-sponsored by the Vergennes Recreation Department and are free of charge to people aged 55 or older. Space is provided by St. Peter's Catholic Church. Donations to Age Well, St. Peter's Parish Hall Maintenance Fund or the Vergennes Recreation Department are always welcome!