NorShaft Energy Committee Sept. Meeting

Past event
Sep 16, 2021, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Hello neighbors and friends,
Come join the NorShaft Energy Committee for our monthly virtual meeting on September 16th, 2021 on Zoom. We're on a mission to help Vermont achieve 90% renewable energy by the year 2050!

What is our mission?
The mission of the NorShaft Energy / CDR Robert H. Eastman III Energy Committee, Serving North Bennington and Shaftsbury is to promote energy conservation, energy efficiency, and the use of energy resources among our neighbors, businesses, and town municipal properties.

We will serve as a source for information about available renewable and efficient energy methods and systems that are cost-effective affordable investments. Through our activities, we will strive to meet the challenges of climate change by our commitment to the energy goals for our region and state.

You do NOT need to be a resident of North Bennington or Shaftsbury, Vermont to come and participate in our meetings.

Topic: NorShaft Energy Committee Meeting: 3rd Thursday
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 0894 8356
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To learn more about our committee,
please visit our website:
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Email us:

We hope you can join us!

Andrea E. Bacchi
Marketing Chair
NorShaft Energy Committee
Shaftsbury, Vermont

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