Invasives Education w/ Randolph Conservation Commission

Past event
Sep 9, 2021, 9 to 10:30 AM

Join us September 9th at 9 am (yes, that's 9/9 at 9) for some Invasive Plant Education. The talk will be outdoors, at The Ellis Reserve off Reservoir Road and will be about 1.5 hours. There is some seating at the site, but please bring a chair if you need one. We'll check in closer to the date in case there is rain forecast.

We'll be hosting Kevin Garber from Redstart Forestry. Kevin is a forest Technician and licensed herbicide applicator who carries out natural resources and forest management projects with Redstart. This is his third season of doing invasive species treatment.

In the presentation he will cover the scope of the invasive species problem in our area and what happens when infestations go untreated, focusing on how they work in the field to handle different plants and projects. He will also cover different techniques that are available depending on the plant.

The discussion will probably focus on chemical control as it is the most effective and the majority of what they do. He will also include mechanical techniques and where they might fit into management.

Here is a map of where the Ellis property is located, near Farr's Hill.


The mission of the Randolph Conservation Commission is to preserve the town’s natural resources and rural character by encouraging sound environmental stewardship, providing community outreach and education, and advocating for sustainable town planning.

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