Greensboro Selectboard Special Meeting to discuss proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw
This meeting will be held in-person in Fellowship Hall at the Greensboro United Church.
There is also the option to join remotely via Zoom conference call, using computer or phone.
Zoom link here:
Or call in: 1-646-876-9923, meeting ID 824 558 6005
1. CATERING PERMIT – Woodbelly Pizza
2. GREENSBORO PLANNING COMMISSION – Proposed updates to Zoning Bylaw , Selectboard Q&A
The Planning Commission has been working on a wide variety of changes to the town's Zoning Bylaw. In the future, the Selectboard will hold one or more public hearings on these and other proposed changes to the Bylaw, as required by statute. This meeting is not one of the required hearings, but an informational meeting so Selectboard members may better understand the proposed Bylaw changes.
The specific proposals to be discussed:
- Expansion of the Resource District to include the eastern watershed of Lake Eligo
- Creation of the 'Extended Village District'
-Changes to the following sections of the Bylaw:
a. §2.3 Greensboro Village District
b. §2.5 Rural Lands District
c. §2.6 Resource District
d. §3.8 Nonconformities
e. §5.1 Zoning Permits
f. §5.4 Conditional Uses
g. §5.13 Zoning Enforcement Policy
h. §9.2 Definitions
Link to info on the proposed Eligo Resource District:
Link to info on the proposed Extended Village District:
Link to info on the other changes throughout Bylaw: