WEDNESDAY, August 25th: FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12noon to 6pm.
Please bring your Proof of Residency when you visit the Food Shelf for the first time; if you have not been to the Food Shelf in 2021 or if you have been instructed to bring documentation during your last visit. Documentation should be a bill, such as a utility bill, insurance bill, etc. but not a driver's license or car registration.
We are in our fourth week of using a new procedure that will give you options with the regular grocery items as well as vegetables and fruits. You will be given a shopping list, a perishables list, a pencil and clipboard when you arrive. Please complete your choices on both lists. We will collect the lists and pack the items you have chosen. Our goal is that you will not wait much longer than you have waited in the past but please be patient as we learn the new system along with you.
There will be a table of miscellaneous and one of recently outdated items at the front of the Food Shelf. Please take a look at what is there while you wait and help yourself to a few items that you will use.
DONORS: Remember to bring items only on Wednesdays during the hours we are open. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS UNLESS WE ARE OPEN!!!! There are some volunteers there at 11, preparing for the day. If you want to come early, come to the side door if the large garage door is not open.
LOCAL HOME GARDENERS: If you have extra produce in your gardens this summer, we are happy to have you share them with us. As it says above, there are volunteers preparing for the day beginning at 11am which is an easier time to stop by.
THANK YOU from the Volunteers and Clients.
Physical Location: 245 Main Street between Claussens and Union Memorial School.
Mailing address: P. O. Box 625 Colchester VT 05446
Questions: Web Site: or
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