Anna, Benjamin and Eddie invite you to our celebration for Lea Kilvádyová and Groundbreaking for Lea's Playground!!Sunday, September 12, 2021 Old Mill Park, Railroad Street, Johnson, Vermont
1:30 Personal Paying Respects
2:00 Our Tribute to Lea3:00 Lea's Playground Groundbreaking
3:15 Food!!
4:00 Soccer match featuring Anichka's A-team, Benushko's B-Line, and Lea's Lamoille All-Stars
The favor of practical shoes requested. Please dress for the weather. Bring a field or lawn chair.
Dec 14, 10 AM to 3 PM, Dec 15, 2024
Pack Walks Going Biweekly!Dec 14, 2024, 10 to 11:30 AM
Xander, VT Therapy Dog VisitDec 14, 2024, 11 AM