The packet can be viewed here:
The agenda includes the following items:
6:00 PM - Adjustments to the agenda
6:01 PM - Approve warrants to pay bills
6:08 PM - Appeal of the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact, Decision and Order for Application PC-21-94-SP (re: Charlotte Family Health Center) by petitioners represented by Ronda Moore—authorize the Town Attorney to enter an appearance on behalf of the Town
6:10 PM - Affordable housing project opportunity – Community Development Block Grant – (preliminary discussion of partnership with Nordic 3.0)
6:25 PM - Trustee of Public Funds—request for legal assistance regarding use of funds
6:40 PM - Tree pruning, cabling and bracing at the Senior Center
6:50 PM - Teachers Tree Service—approve as a preferred vendor for projects less than $5,000 for three year period
6:55 PM - Refund of $500 conditional use review application fee to Emerald Green Properties, LLP
7:00 PM - Public comment
7:05 PM - Emergency management items—for discussion
• Selectboard liaison
• Hold drill for Emergency Operations Center
7:15 PM - Traffic calming study for villages—managed by Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission requires 20% match ($4,000)
7:25 PM - Approve additional traffic enforcement
7:35 PM - Request for Bids to replace bollards and lighting in Town Hall parking lot
7:40 PM - Hockey Rink electrical
7:50 PM - Development Review Board (DRB) - First public hearing to establish one for Charlotte
8:25 PM - Sand shed—approve wetland study/survey
8:30 PM - West village discussion—groundwater source protection & wetland conservation
8:45 PM - Employee compensation—update
8:50 PM - Minutes: August 2, August 9, August 16, August 19
8:55 PM - Selectboard updates
9:00 PM - Adjournment
Dec 16, 2024, 7 PM
10th Annual Orchard Food Drive PlusDec 17, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM
Bristol Core Board MeetingDec 19, 2024, 9 to 10 AM