Town of Lincoln Special Selectboard Meeting
Aug 19, 2021 7:00 PM
On-line ZOOM meeting
Meeting ID: 994 3244 8161
Passcode: 556039
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
For those without internet or telephone access, who wish to attend the ZOOM meeting, you may view, listen and participate in the meeting by going to the Town Office
Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Meeting Protocol & Facilitation
3. Presentation of proposal to be voted on at a special Town Meeting on August 24
"Shall the Town of Lincoln withdraw from the Mount Abraham Unified School District (MAUSD)?"
4. ***Discussion of proposal, questions and answers
5. Adjourn
* Decision Item
** Tentative Decision Item
*** Discussion only
To request assistance or special accommodations to attend this meeting please call (802) 453-2980 as far in advance as possible.
N.B. There will be an additional information meeting and Special Town Meeting on Monday, Aug 23 with voting on August 24. Ballots have already been mailed to all active voters.
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