1148 N. Cambridge Rd, Saturday, Aug 14th 9am-4pm & Sunday, Aug 15th 9am-noon, please no early birds.
Lots of Great Treasures to be Found!!
Sale items include:
PartyLite Candle Decor, 2 Orchid Plants & Supplies, Books, DVD/BluRay Movies, Toys/Games, Webkins, Sporting Goods, Collectibles, Vintage glass canning jars, Misc. Vintage Home Goods, Men's/Women's & Boys Clothing/Shoes, Jewelry, Household Goods, Curtains, Cookbooks, Electronics, Youth Archery Bow & Target, Airsoft Misc., Ford Explorer (2014) Weather Tech Floor Mats, Luggage Rack Cross Rails & Rain Guards.
We look forward to seeing you!! Please bring your own bags & Cash only.