The libraries in S. Ryegate, Groton, and Wells River invite you to bring the kids or grandkids forstorytelling on Tuesday, August 17 at noon. Storyteller Kurt Valenta has "Tales of the Importance of Tails" to share, and he'll bring some actual animal tails for us to touch.
The program will be outside at the Mills Memorial Field (perhaps better known as the ball field) in South Ryegate. Driving west from Wells River on Rt. 302, look for the field on your left just after the blinking light and the church. (Driving east from Groton, be ready to turn right when you see the church steeple ahead.) There's a sign at the driveway. Continue left alongside the ball field til you reach the playground (and shade!) You may want to come early, or stay later, with a picnic lunch to give the kids time to explore and play. We're trusting our chances for good weather, but if it rains, we have pop-ups! We're staying outdoors this summer since young children cannot yet be vaccinated for COVID.
A former elementary school teacher and nature instructor, Kurt Valenta hails from northern Vermont. He is founder and President of Exordium, a nature and outdoor education organization providing outdoor learning experiences for the young and young-at-heart. He also offers professional development for teachers through Castleton University and for childcare providers through Northern Lights.
This free event is part of the libraries' summer reading program "Tails &Tales" with support from the VT Department of Libraries. Snacks and drinks will be provided. For more information, contact the Baldwin Library (802-757-2693) or the Groton Library (802-584-3358).
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