Show at 4 Corner's Schoolhouse

Past event
Aug 18, 2021, 8 PM

Live variety entertainment for those who've been vaccinated, at the Four Corners Schoolhouse, 8 PM Wednesday August 18, Featuring Tim Jennings and Ethan Azarian. Audience limited to 30. Reservations encouraged: 223-9103. Requested admission $10. Masks optional.

When Leanne's health broke down i was unable to continue performing for a long time. Last spring I began internet streaming from my living room, informal music and storytelling, by myself and with friends. In July, I started busking out on State Street— just music, my kind of storytelling doesn't do well on the street— by myself and with others.. I did my first live i-person storytelling in over two years at Trad Camp a couple of weeks ago, and apparently I still have some chops.

Ethan's an old buddy, we've played together for years and years, and now we're actually sounding pretty good. He lives in Austin, where he supports himself making art and playing his original songs, comes up to the family homestead for the summer, with his wife and son. He's flying back on August 20. So, this is it, gang, come and get it, quick before we all have to climb back down into our holes.

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